
XLSTAT 2024.1: New Features for Enhanced Data Analysis

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XLSTAT 2024.1: New Features for Enhanced Data Analysis




60 minutes


Learn all about the new version of XLSTAT: the new features, how they can help you, how to use them, and more! You will also have the opportunity to have your questions answered by an XLSTAT expert. In this webinar, Thalia Anagnostou will show you how to select the perfect data visualization charts, craft eye-catching contour plots, analyze Flash profiling data, conduct sensory similarity tests, get RATA basic results in no time, and navigate the revamped ribbon interface with ease. Take your data analysis to the next level with XLSTAT's latest and greatest features and enhancements!

Table of contents

  • New XLSTAT ribbon
  • DataViz
  • Contour plot
  • Flash profiling
  • Sensory discrimination tests
  • RATA data analysis

Trainer Profile

Thalia Anagnostou

Marketing Partnerships & Strategy, Lumivero

Thalia Anagnostou holds a master's degree in Operational Research from the University of Edinburgh. After learning about the challenges and needs of data analysts in various industries and countries, Thalia, has made it her mission to support data software users through webinar series, community events, and educational content.

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