
Testing Mediating and Moderating Effects Using the Process Macro

Free webinar

Testing Mediating and Moderating Effects Using the Process Macro




50 minutes


Because most social & business research implies the test of some mediating and/or moderating effects (even, some moderated-mediating…), this seminar is designed to present how the Process macro can easily and usefully help researchers test such effects. The emphasis will be first made on the theoretical rationale for such effects but also, importantly, on how to conduct the analyses and report the results.

Table of contents

  • The concepts of moderation and mediation
  • The Macro PROCESS Hayes: definition and advantages
  • An application in the field of marketing

Trainer Profile

Renaud Lunardo

Senior Professor of Marketing at Kedge BS in Bordeaux (France)

His research interests focus mainly on the influence of marketing stimuli on consumer perceptions and emotions, on food and wine, on hospitality, and on pro-social behavior. Although varied, his different research interests have in common that they focus on the behavior of the consumer, or more generally of the individual (seller, buyer...). He also carries out consulting missions for external companies, mainly in the wine, tourism, and luxury sectors.

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